Pax Hart

Genesis 10: The Sons of Noah

Kings lists were some of the first histories we have from Mesopotamia. And lists of descendants are found throughout the bible. We have the lists from Adam to Noah. Now we have the lists from Noah to the known, ancient world.

At the writing of the bible, these were each important patriarchs to be honored. Otherwise, why would their names and lineage be preserved and handed down?

  • Noah
    • Japheth – These were the Isles of the Gentiles, the “tenants” of Shem from the previous story.
      • Gomer
        • Ashkenaz
        • Riphath
        • Togarmah
      • Magog
      • Madai
      • Javan
        • Elishah
        • Tarshish
        • Kittim
        • Dodanim
      • Tubal
      • Meshech
      • Tiras
    • Ham – cursed in the previous story. His descendants, the Canaanites are servants of Shem.
      • Cush
        • Seba
        • Havilah
        • Sabtah
        • Raamah
          • Sheba
          • Dedan
        • Sabtechah
        • Nimrod – And the beginning of his kingdom was Babel. Erech. Accad, and Calneh in the land of Shinar. Out of that land went forth Asshur and builded Nineveh and the city Rehoboth and Calah. And Rasen between Nineveh and Caleh.
      • Mizraim
        • Ludim
        • Anahmim
        • Lihabim
        • Naphtuhim
        • Pathrusim
        • Casluhim
          • Philistim
        • Caphtorim
      • Phut
      • Canaan – the patriarch of the Canaanites
        • Sidon
        • Heth
        • The Jebusite – a tribe of the Canaanites
        • The Amorite – a tribe of the Canaanites
        • The Girgasite – a tribe of the Canaanites
        • The Hivite – a tribe of the Canaanites
        • The Arkite – a tribe of the Canaanites
        • The Sinite – a tribe of the Canaanites
        • The Arvadite – a tribe of the Canaanites
        • The Zemarite – a tribe of the Canaanites
        • The Hamathite – a tribe of the Canaanites
      • And the border of the Canaanites was from Sidon as thou comest to Gerar unto Gaza as thou goest, unto Sodom and Gomorrah and Admah and Zeboim even unto Lasha
    • Shem – the father of all the children of Eber. In the previous story, Shem and his descendants are at the top of the totem pole.
      • Elam
      • Asshur
      • Arphaxad
        • Salah
          • Eber
            • Peleg
            • Joktan – His sons dwelling from Mesha as thou goest unto Sephar, a mount of the east
              • Almodad
              • Sheleph
              • Hazarmaveth
              • Jerah
              • Hadoram
              • Uzal
              • Diklah
              • Obal
              • Abimael
              • Sheba
              • Ophir
              • Havilah
              • Jobab
      • Lud
      • Aram
        • Uz
        • Hul
        • Gether
        • Mash